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Dear Sir: I have some troubles to use "geomview" developed by your group. First: I tried to install the source distribution in my iris-INDIGO. According to manual (from file "README"), it will take 15 minutes to one hour. But I got no error within 0.1 second and I can not find the /bin sub-directory in my current directory /geomroot. So, I used binary distribution to install. Second: I followed 2 examples in OOGL.doc. The first example gave me a strange result. The second worked fine. The following line is result for the first example. Please help me how to fix the problem. \\|// - - Y. Danny Chiu ((555) 555-5555(O) o o J M/S 246, Langley Research Center, Hampton VA 23665 O \_/ yihwan at voyager.larc.nasa.gov ====================result from Mma==== Mathematica 2.0 for SGI Iris Copyright 1988-91 Wolfram Research, Inc. -- X11 windows graphics initialized -- In[1]:= <<OOGL.m In[2]:= <<Geomview.m -- Geomview graphics initialized -- In[3]:= foo = Plot3D[x^2 + y^2, {x, -5, 5}, {y, -5, 5}, PlotPoints->30] Out[3]= -SurfaceGraphics- In[4]:= WriteOOGL["./mathematica_oogl", foo, MergeVertices->True] (Note: Geomview["./mathematica_oogl", foo] gave the same result as above.) ======================result of mathematica_oogl which is very strange if you use "geomview mathematica_oogl" to look at============= ZMESH 30 30 1500. 1400.12 1307.37 1221.76 1143.28 1071.94 1007.73 950.654 900.713 857.907 822.235 793.698 772.295 758.026 750.892 750.892 758.026 772.295 793.698 822.235 857.907 900.713 950.654 1007.73 1071.94 1143.28 1221.76 1307.37 1400.12 1500. 1400.12 1300.24 1207.49 1121.88 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