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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] To Mr.Phillips
Dear Mr.Phillips, Thanks for your reply and supplied information. I got the first information on Geomview from Notices of the AMS(Oct.1993, v.40, #8). The information from your article as well as that from your message sounds really very interesting cause of my current investigations. My idea consists in creating general purpose object-oriented tool which will enable visualization of results of physical experiments held within the specified geometry. It is thought as a tool for mathematicians and students to held an experiment upon defined geometry, get corresponding numerics and visualize it. The whole problem raughly can be splitted in several parts, namely: - that handling and displaying the geometry of the object upon which the experiment is held or physical phenomenon is studied, (as far as visualizing the final numerics got after running numerical solver), - discretizing the specified geometry and constructing computational meshes(quadrilateral, triangular, mixed and so on) in the purpose of further computation, - assembling matrices and vectors, running numerical solver. I wouldn't describe the problem in more detail now. I can do it later if you like. Anyhow I will try to build the mentioned application on the base of Geomview. The place of Geomview is seen very clear in the specified problem. Surely the application would't be the direct one, the new data types will be needed(say, triangular meshes or these with data). Anyhow it is question of research, isn't it? One more question for further discussion - how to organize interaction between Geomview and mesh generator. Whether mesh generator should be incorporated in Geomview to provide the data types which will enable the further numerics or not? May be it will be enough just to provide data types such as MeshWithData and visualize numerical data on its basys. In this case the interaction with mesh generator and numerical solver from one side and Geoview from the other might be treated according to the mechanism of "external modules". I don't know yet. Be sure, that I'm really interested in starting using Geomview and getting into it. I have SPARC1+ workstation at my disposal(to be precise, not in the disposal, but it is accessible). As for access to Internet ftp I don't have it. I would appreciate sending both of manual and program itself through the mail. In my opinion EMS GarantPost or DHL Post Service are preferable to provide security of the matter and reasonable delivery time. I'll appreciate to know your considerations upon the above staff. Thanks once more for your message! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerly, Sergei Lyssanov P.S. Please note in the field "subject" of email message "For S.Lyssanov". /* Sergei Lyssanov Institute of Problems in Cybernetics * email: dug at ipk.msk.su Russian Academy of Sciences * phone: ((555) 555-5555 ul.Vavilova 37 * fax: ((555) 555-5555 Moscow 117312 * RUSSIA */
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