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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [Closed REQ 5174]:
>I am using the Mathematica packages OOGL.m and Geomview.m to display >directly in Geomview the graphics of produced by Mathematica, but I >want display directly the animations made in Mathematica. Exist a >similar packages to the OOGL.m and Geomview.m that can do it?. Could >you said me how display animations of Mathematica directly to the >Geomview. Thanks. A Mathematica animation is a "flipbook" of 2D Postscript images. You can see a similar "flipbook" of 3D data files in Geomview, using the Animator external module. After it loads in all the data files, you can play them back quickly. You can still use the normal motion controls of Geomview while the Animator is flipping through the objects. You'll need to use the "WriteOOGL" command inside a loop on an entire sequence of Graphics3D or SurfaceGraphics objects, which will create a sequence of individual OOGL files on disk. You can then start the Animator module from the Geomview module browser, and load in the files on its control panel. Here's an example: In[1]:= graphs = Table[ Plot3D[ BesselJ[0, Sqrt[x^2+y^2] +t], {x,-10,10},{y,-10,10},PlotRange->{-.5,1.}, Axes->False,DisplayFunction->Identity] , {t,0,8} ] (Notice that we're setting DisplayFunction to Identity so that it doesn't draw pictures during the computation.) In[2]:= fnames = Table[ToString[StringForm["/tmp/anim.``oogl", PaddedForm[t,{1,0},NumberPadding->{"0","0"}]]],{t,0,8}] (The PaddedForm is so that we create strings like "anim.02.oogl", so that the files are loaded in the right order. Otherwise "anim.2.oogl" comes before "anim.20.oogl".) In[3]:= <<OOGL.m (You can just load in OOGL.m instead of Geomview.m, since you don't want to send the graphics directly to Geomview the normal way. (If Geomview.m has already been loaded, then WriteOOGL is already defined.)) In[4] := MapThread[WriteOOGL,{fnames,graphs}] (Finally, apply WriteOOGL to the tables.) In[5] := Quit The following files are now in the /tmp directory: anim.00.oogl anim.03.oogl anim.06.oogl anim.01.oogl anim.04.oogl anim.07.oogl anim.02.oogl anim.05.oogl anim.08.oogl Start up Geomview and the Animator, and type "/tmp/anim.*.oogl" into the input at the bottom of the Animator panel. After the files ahve been loaded, you can control them with the buttons on the panel (Play, Bounce, Step, etc.). Hope this helps, Tamara Munzner The Geometry Center ((555) 555-5555 munzner at geom.umn.edu http://www.geom.umn.edu/people/munzner.html
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