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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] [Closed REQ 5277]: 2 questions
Hi, > 1. When Geomview.m is used to set the default display of Mathematica >to Geomview and then PSDirect.m to return to the standart Mathematica >display, the following occurs: the Geomview window remains open and if >Geomview.m is reloaded, but no objects are being displayed - neither in >Mathematica, nor in Geomview. In order to restart the Geomview display, >one has to close the Geomview window first, then reload Geomview.m, and >then proceed in the usual way. Am I doing something wrong, or this is a >some software bug? Hmm. You're not doing anything wrong, if you're running Mathematica in a notebook. It does seem reasonable that you'd have to quit the old copy of Geomview before loading Geomview.m again. It's not exactly a feature, but I don't know that I'd call it a bug either... > 2. When objects from Mathematica are transported to Geomview, >the colors set in Mathematica are lost. Is there a way to preserve the >color of objects, e.g. when a surface is colored according to its scalar >or Gaussian curvature, it is nice to be able view those colors while >manipulating the object in Geomview. The converter currently only recognizes RGBColor directives. Are you using "Hue"? Here's some Mathematica code that will do the conversion. Just use "HSBColor" instead of "Hue" in your own code. UnProtect[HSBColor] HSBColor[h_, s_, b_] := RGBColor[b, b, b] /; s == 0 HSBColor[h_?NumberQ, s_, b_] := Block[{mh = 6 Mod[h, 1.], i, f, p, q, t}, i = Floor[mh] ; f = mh - i ; p = b (1. - s) ; q = b (1. - s f) ; t = b (1. - s (1. - f)) ; {RGBColor[b, t, p] , RGBColor[q, b, p] , RGBColor[p, b, t] , RGBColor[p, q, b] , RGBColor[t, p, b] , RGBColor[b, p, q] } [[i + 1]] ] Hope this helps, Tamara Munzner The Geometry Center ((555) 555-5555 munzner at geom.umn.edu http://www.geom.umn.edu/people/munzner.html
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