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Re: [Update REQ 5577]: Help compiling Geomview

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 28


Concerning my problems with compiling on Solaris2.4

The entries in my mk.solaris file are as follows:

   CPU = solaris
   MACHTYPE = sun4
   RANLIB = :
   CC = cc
   INSTALL = ${GEOM}/tools/install.bsd
   AR = ar
   SYSCOPTS = -DSVR4 -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include
   SYSLIBS = -L/usr/lib -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl
   SYSXLIBS = -L/usr/dt/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11

(I changed gcc to cc because I do not have gcc compiled for solaris). 

As you pointed out I must not be linking in the right libraries.  The correct path and libraries are in my mk.solaris file BUT, the output from make shows that 
"L/usr/lib -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl" is not being included when trying to compile "nose". 

I also made minor changes to mk.site.default and Makedefs.global as recommended.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, Bill
X-Sun-Data-Type: default
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: make.out
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 149

	cd doc ; make SITE=default all
	cd makefiles ; make SITE=default all
	cd maple ; make SITE=default all
	cd src ; make SITE=default all
	cd lib ; make SITE=default all
	cd camera ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd color ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd geometry ; make SITE=default all
	cd cmodel ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd hpoint3 ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd hpointn ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd point3 ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd transform3 ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd transformn ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd transobj ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
ar r ../../../lib/sun4/lib3d.a */O.sun4/*.o
: ../../../lib/sun4/lib3d.a
	cd geomutil ; make SITE=default all
	cd bdy ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd plutil ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
ar r ../../../lib/sun4/libgeomutil.a */O.sun4/*.o
: ../../../lib/sun4/libgeomutil.a
	cd gprim ; make SITE=default all
	cd bbox ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd bezier ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd comment ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd discgrp ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd geom ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd inst ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd lincoln ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd list ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd mesh ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd ndmesh ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd npolylist ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd polylist ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd quad ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd skel ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd sphere ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd stub ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd tlist ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd vect ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd mg ; make SITE=default all
	cd common ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd rib ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd x11 ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
ar r ../../../lib/sun4/libmg.a */O.sun4/*.o
: ../../../lib/sun4/libmg.a
	cd mib ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd oogl ; make SITE=default all
	cd lisp ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd refcomm ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd util ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd wa ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
ar r ../../../lib/sun4/liboogl.a */O.sun4/*.o
: ../../../lib/sun4/liboogl.a
	cd pointlist ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd shade ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd window ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd bin ; make SITE=default all
	cd addbbox ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd animate ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd crayola ; make SITE=default all
	cd common ; make SITE=default all
	cd geomutil ; make SITE=default all
	cd bdy ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd clip ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd maple2oogl ; make SITE=default all
	cd math2oogl ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd oogl2rib ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd plutil ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd ucd ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd geomview ; make SITE=default all
	cd common ; make SITE=default all
	cd x11 ; make SITE=default all
lisp2c ...
rm -f geomview
g=/home6/Geomview/src; g=${g:-"."}; \
   sed -e 's|^GEOMROOT=.*$|GEOMROOT='"$g|" \
	-e 's/${MACHTYPE}/sun4/g' < geomview-x11 > geomview
chmod +x geomview
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
rm -f gvx ../gvx
(echo 'char builddate[] = "'"`date +%y%m%d%H%M`"'";'; \
 echo 'char buildinfo1[] = "'"  By `whoami`@`hostname`[`uname -r`]"'";'; \
 echo 'char buildinfo2[] = "'"  On `date`"'";'; \
) > buildinfo.c
cc -O -DMGX11 -Ddark_ui -I/usr/include/X11  -o gvx \
  comm.o  drawer.o  event.o  space.o  lights.o  lang.o  lispext.o  ndshade.o  main.o  motion.o  mouse.o  rman.o  shaders.o  transform.o  ui.o  worldio.o gvmain.o gvmnpanel.o gvcamui.o gvtoolui.o gvappear.o gvmaterial.o gvcredits.o gvlights.o gvcameras.o gvload.o gvsave.o gvcommands.o gvcolor.o gvui.o gvevent.o buildinfo.c \
  -L../../../../../lib/sun4   -lgeom -lquad -lpolylist -lvect -lbezier -lmesh -lvect -lsphere  -linst -ltlist -llist -lbbox -ldg -lcomment -lskel -lndmesh  -lnpolylist -lbbox  -lstub -lgeom  -lmg -lcamera -lwindow  -lshade -loogl -l3d -lcolor -loogl -lskel -lndmesh -lXext -lmib -L/usr/dt/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm -L/usr/lib -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl
ln gvx ..
	cd gvclock ; make SITE=default all
	cd mgexample ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
	cd nose ; make SITE=default all
	cd O.sun4 ; make SITE=default all
cc -O -DSVR4 -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include  -DMACHTYPE='"sun4"' -I../../../../include -o nose nose.o -L../../../../lib/sun4   -lgeom -lquad -lpolylist -lvect -lbezier -lmesh -lvect -lsphere  -linst -ltlist -llist -lbbox -ldg -lcomment -lskel -lndmesh  -lnpolylist -lbbox  -lstub -lgeom  -lmg -lcamera -lwindow  -lshade -loogl -l3d -lcolor -loogl -lm
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1
X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: Makedefs.global
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 95

# Miscellaneous common definitions for the makefiles in these directories.
# should be set before calling this.

# If you will always be compiling on the same kind of computer (SGI or
# NeXT) you can avoid having to set the CPU environment variable by
# setting CPU here.  Use CPU=NeXT for NeXTStep, or CPU=iris4 or SGIs.
# By default we don't set CPU at all here so that we can inherit the
# value from the environment variable.  Insert your setting, if you
# choose to make one, here:

CPU = solaris 

# The options passed to the C compiler include COPTS.
# If you don't need libraries and programs compiled with debugging symbols,
# you could set COPTS = -O for smaller, faster executables.
# Also, you could set COPTS in the mk.sgi, mk.next, etc. files to
# override this value for machine-specific cases.


# **** If your 'make' looks for 'include'd files relative to the
# **** directory containing the including Makefile, change the following to:
# ****  MKFILEDIR = .
# **** On most machines, 'make' seeks 'include'd files relative to the
# **** current working directory where 'make' is running; in that case use:
# ****  MKFILEDIR = ${GEOM}/makefiles
# ****

MKFILEDIR = ${GEOM}/makefiles

# You probably won't need to change anything below here.

SHELL = /bin/sh

include ${MKFILEDIR}/mk.${CPU}

# Read default site-specific installation dir settings.
# Could set SITE = default.${MACHTYPE}, and create files mk.site.default.next,
# mk.site.default.sgi, etc. if paths must differ across machines.
SITE = default
include ${MKFILEDIR}/mk.site.${SITE}

MKDEP = ${GEOM}/tools/mkdep
IPATH = -I${GEOM}/include
INSTALLMODULE = ${GEOM}/tools/installmodule
LIB = ${LIBDIR}/lib${NAME}.a
COMMONLIB = commonlib

# All possible OOGL libraries in the proper order, for convenience of
# application programs
           -lgeom -lquad -lpolylist -lvect -lbezier -lmesh -lvect -lsphere \
           -linst -ltlist -llist -lbbox -ldg -lcomment -lskel -lndmesh \
	   -lnpolylist -lbbox \
	   -lstub -lgeom \
	   -lmg -lcamera -lwindow \
           -lshade -loogl -l3d -lcolor -loogl


# DIRT is removed with commonrules clean or clobber
DIRT = *.o *~ .places a.out core ${LDIRT}

# File for storing per-system-type make dependencies.

# Default values for various macros:

# OTHER_DISTFILES_CMD is a Bourne shell command used to
# generate a list of additional files to be included in the FILES
# file.  By default it is ':', which is the null command.
X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: mk.site.default
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 81

# Local definitions.

# GEOMROOT is the absolute pathname of the directory where you've placed
# the Geomview source; a typical value might be /usr/local/src/Geomview.
# Its setting is built into the "geomview" shell script and (on the NeXT)
# into Geomview.app/CONFIG.gv.  It's used for finding the the following items:
#   - the example data files, living at ${GEOMROOT}/data/{geom,groups,...}/*
#   - the main geomview startup script, ${GEOMROOT}/data/.geomview
#   - the directory of external modules, ${GEOMVIEW}/modules/${MACHTYPE}/*
# You *must* edit this file to set the value of GEOMROOT before  
# running 'make install'.


# NOTE: The variable MACHTYPE has already been set by the time this file
# is read; it's the type of computer we're on ("sgi" or "next").
# You can use it in defining things here, but don't redefine it.

# BINDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which executable
# programs are to be installed.  This should be a directory that is on
# users' $path, like /usr/local/bin.

BINDIR = /usr/local/bin

# MMAPACKAGEDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which the
# Mathematica packages (OOGL.m, etc.) are to be installed.  This should be some
# directory that is on Mathematica's search path ($Path variable).
# The "math" shell script defines the directories in $Path; on the NeXT,
# they include /LocalApps/Mathematica.app/Library/Mathematica/Packages,
# and on the Iris, <math-installation-dir>/Packages.
# $Path also includes the user's home directory; if only one person will
# use the mathematica-geomview connection, you could set MMAPACKAGEDIR
# to that user's home directory.
# If you don't have Mathematica, leave MMAPACKAGEDIR set to ${GEOM}/mathematica.

MMAPACKAGEDIR = ${GEOM}/mathematica

# Set MAPLE_LIB to the pathname of the Maple library directory where
# the Maple-to-geomview converter, gvplot.m, should be installed.
# A typical setting might be /usr/local/maple/lib.
# If you don't have Maple, leave this setting blank.


# MANDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which Unix-style
# manual pages are to be installed.  The man pages will actually go into
# subdirectories of this directory with names like "man1", "cat1", etc.

MANDIR = /usr/local/man

# BINDIR, MMAPACKAGEDIR, and MANDIR are used by "make install" and not
# by "make all" or "make".  In all cases, the directory (and all
# necessary parent directories) is created if it does not yet exist.
# These must have values in order for "make install" to work.  If you
# want the keep the installation completely within the source tree,
# use the following values:
#    MMAPACKAGEDIR = ${GEOMROOT}/mathematica
#    MANDIR = ${GEOMROOT}/man
# You should then arrange for ${GEOMROOT}/bin/${MACHTYPE} to be on
# users' $path and for ${GEOMROOT}/mathematica to be on the Mathematica
# search path ($Path variable).

# You can skip the rest of this file if you are not installing
# on a NeXT.

# For NeXT installations, APPDIR should be the pathname of the
# directory into which the Geomview.app application will be installed.
# "make install" will install it there.  This is also used by other
# scripts, in particular, the "geomview" script that is installed in
# BINDIR, so if you move Geomview.app you should update APPDIR here
# and re-install.

#APPDIR = /LocalApps
X-Sun-Data-Type: Makefile
X-Sun-Data-Description: Makefile
X-Sun-Data-Name: Makefile
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 205

include ${GEOM}/makefiles/Makedefs.global
include Makedefs
include ${GEOM}/makefiles/Makedefs.SUBDIRS

all:	prep


rm_libs rm_depend:

install:	prep  demand_GEOMROOT


clobber:	clean rm_libs rm_depend

	@if [ -d O.${MACHTYPE} ] ; then				\
		-P ../ ${CFLAGS} ${SRCS} ;			\

	-rm -f ${DIRT}

	-rm -f ${DIRT} ${DISTDIRT}


# "make prep" ensures that all the directories we'll need to write into exist
# and that (on the SGI) the appropriate version of libforms.a is installed.
	@mkdir lib lib/${MACHTYPE} \
		bin bin/${MACHTYPE} \
		modules modules/${MACHTYPE} 2>&- || :
	@(cd src/lib/forms; ${MAKE} all)

# Note: target RFILES takes several minutes to build; this affects
#   both DISTLIST and all.tar.Z

# all.tar.Z:	DISTLIST

DISTLIST.sgi:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist O.sgi ) > $@
	${GEOM}/tools/manlist < $@ >> $@

DISTLIST.next:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist O.next ) > $@
	${GEOM}/tools/manlist < $@ >> $@

DISTLIST.x11:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist O.sun4 O.linux O.x11 ) \
		| sed -e 's:Geomview/INSTALL$$:&.x11:' \
		      -e 's:Geomview/README$$:&.x11:' \
		      -e 's:DISTLIST.all:DISTLIST.x11:' > $@
	${GEOM}/tools/manlist < $@ >> $@

DISTLIST.all:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist O.next O.sgi O.sun4 O.linux O.x11 ) > $@
	${GEOM}/tools/manlist < $@ >> $@

DISTLIST.allall:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist ) > $@
	${GEOM}/tools/manlist < $@ >> $@

all.tar.Z:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	-${GEOM}/tools/dist-exceptions DISTLIST.all | gnutar -c -T - -f - | \
	    ${GEOM}/tools/writabletar | compress > $@

x11.tar.Z:	_always
	-/bin/rm -f $@
	-( sort -u DISTLIST.x11 | \
		egrep -v '/mg/ri/|/gl/|next/' | \
		${GEOM}/tools/dist-exceptions -m DISTLIST.x11 | \
		gnutar -c -T - -f - | \
		${GEOM}/tools/writabletar | compress > $@ )

### 	-/bin/rm -f BINDISTLIST || :
### 	@( cat BINFILES DATAFILES ; \
### 	   egrep '^./man' DISTLIST ) > BINDISTLIST
### 	@( GEOM=`pwd` ; export GEOM ; \
### 	  cd doc ; $$GEOM/tools/distlist -p ./doc O.sgi ) >> BINDISTLIST

tarzan: geomview-only.tar.Z mathooglrib.tar.Z geomstuff.tar.Z 4dview.tar.Z \
	eucsyms.tar.Z hinge.tar.Z trigrp.tar.Z animate.tar.Z linkmover.tar.Z \
	sweep.tar.Z warp.tar.Z flythrough.tar.Z nose.tar.Z corners.tar.Z \
	ginsu.tar.Z tackdown.tar.Z crayola.tar.Z graffiti.tar.Z pssnap.tar.Z \
	transformer.tar.Z geomutil.tar.Z maniview.tar.Z stereo.tar.Z

geomview.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage < BINDISTLIST

geomview-only.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage geomview-only < BINDISTLIST

mathooglrib.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage mathooglrib < BINDISTLIST

geomstuff.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage geomstuff < BINDISTLIST

4dview.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage 4dview < BINDISTLIST

eucsyms.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage eucsyms < BINDISTLIST

hinge.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage hinge < BINDISTLIST

trigrp.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage trigrp < BINDISTLIST

animate.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage animate < BINDISTLIST

linkmover.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage linkmover < BINDISTLIST

sweep.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage sweep < BINDISTLIST

warp.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage warp < BINDISTLIST

flythrough.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage flythrough < BINDISTLIST

nose.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage nose < BINDISTLIST

corners.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage corners < BINDISTLIST

ginsu.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage ginsu < BINDISTLIST

tackdown.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage tackdown < BINDISTLIST

crayola.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage crayola < BINDISTLIST

graffiti.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage graffiti < BINDISTLIST

pssnap.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage pssnap < BINDISTLIST

transformer.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage transformer < BINDISTLIST

maniview.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage maniview < BINDISTLIST

geomutil.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage geomutil < BINDISTLIST

stellico.tar.Z: _always
	gnutar -c -h -v -Z ./data/geom/stellico/*.off \
			   ./data/geom/stellico/README -f $@

mathooglrib.next.tar.Z:	_always
	${GEOM}/tools/makepackage mathooglrib.next < NEXTDISTLIST

# WARNING: "make bin.tar.Z" does not imply "make all".  But you better
#  be sure that the binary geomview is in bin/${MACHTYPE} !!

	-/bin/rm -f $@
	tools/dist-geomview BINDISTLIST | gnutar -cvZ -T - -f $@

	find . \! -type d -print -o -name RCS -prune | \
	  eggrep -v 'O.next|O.sun4|~' | \
	  gnutar -cvZ -T - -f tree.tar.Z

	find . \! -type d -print -o -name RCS -prune | \
	  eggrep -v 'O.next|O.sun4|~' | \
	  gnutar -cv -b 126 -T - -f /dev/tape

include ${GEOM}/makefiles/Makerules.common
X-Sun-Data-Type: default-app
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: mk.solaris
X-Sun-Charset: us-ascii
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 21

# Makefile that sets machine-specific variables and rules 
# for the Sun Sparcstations.
# A machine-specific makefile is included by all other makefiles.

CPU = solaris
CC = cc
INSTALL = ${GEOM}/tools/install.bsd
AR = ar

# These settings will vary!
SYSCOPTS = -DSVR4 -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include
SYSLIBS = -L/usr/lib -lnsl -lsocket -lgen -ldl
SYSXLIBS = -L/usr/dt/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -lXm -lXt -lXext -lX11

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