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Re: [Update REQ 6152]: OOGL->VRML

  • To: software@geom.umn.edu
  • Subject: Re: [Update REQ 6152]: OOGL->VRML
  • From: daemon
  • Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 13:39:33 -0500 (CDT)

I guess I don't understand -- why do you need to repair the OOGL files
after the fact?  You-all must have access to the program that created 
the invalid files originally, right?  Can't you just fix it to write them
correctly?  That certainly seems the easier route to take.

I see couple of problems with what FixOOGL seems to be doing, based on the
messages it prints and the output you show.

  ``0 periods replaced by whitespace''
	As far as I could see from the files you'd sent earlier,
	the double-periods should have been replaced by single-periods,
	not by white space.  I.e. it appeared that something like ``0..50000''
	was intended to mean the single number ``0.50000'', not
	the two numbers ``0.''  and ``.50000''.  (It's hard for me to imagine
	what kind of program would have spuriously written those double
	periods, though.)

  ``47 newlines replaced with whitespaces''
	Likewise, this won't fix the line-splitting problem either.
	Whatever program wrote the erroneous files wasn't inserting
	line breaks where blanks were intended; it appeared to be
	inventing them out of whole cloth, just because its line-length
	limit had been reached.  So a long line that ends with ``1.2''
	followed by another line beginning with ``0000 3.50000''
	wasn't intended to be read as the three numbers
	``1.2 0000 3.5000'', but as *two* numbers ``1.20000 3.50000''.
	Thus replacing the newline with a blank is no help.

	Also, it's a mistake to simply join all the lines together;
	line breaks *are* significant in OFF objects' faces.
	So you have to leave line breaks just where they're intended to be,
	and just get rid of the few erroneous ones.

	You *might* be able to repair this defect after-the-fact
	by checking the line-length on broken lines (it seemed to be
	298 characters, I think, or exactly 300 chars counting CR and LF).
	So, whenever you found such a long line, just join it to its successor,
	*without* inserting a blank to separate them.
	If the line wasn't exactly 298 characters long, just leave it alone.
	Of course this too would fail if a line just happened to be exactly
	298 characters long, but it'd likely fix the bug most of the time.

  Stuart Levy, Geometry Center

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