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Installing Geomview 1.2

Hi All-

I'm trying to install version 1.2 of Geomview here at Princeton Math Dept.
i think there is a bug in the source code install version of the code.
here is a history of my command shell
    17  zcat geomview-1.2.tar.Z | tar xf - &
    18  ls
    19  source config
    20  ^F
    21  setenv MORECOPTS -g1
    22  make depend ; pmake
    23  /uwhich ld
    24  which ld
    25  history

and here is last lines of the output from the make, (pmake):
cc -I.. -g -float -prototypes -g1 -DMACHTYPE='"sgi"' -I../../../../include
-c main.c
--- oogl.o ---
cc -I.. -g -float -prototypes -g1 -DMACHTYPE='"sgi"' -I../../../../include
-c oogl.c
--- callbacks.o ---
cc -I.. -g -float -prototypes -g1 -DMACHTYPE='"sgi"' -I../../../../include
-c callbacks.c
--- example ---
rm -f example ../example
cc -g -float -prototypes -g1 -DMACHTYPE='"sgi"' -I../../../../include
main.o oogl.o callbacks.o  -L../../../../lib/sgi  -lgeom -lquad -lpolylist
-lvect -lbezier -lmesh -lvect  -linst -ltlist -llist -lstub -lgeom -lbbox
-lmg -lcamera -lwindow  -lshade -loogl -l3d -lcolor -lforms -lfm_s -lgl_s
-lm -o example
Can't locate file for: -lforms
*** Error code 1
pmake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
pmake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
pmake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
pmake: 1 error
*** Error code 2
pmake: 1 error
livia# which ld
/uwhich: Command not found.
livia# which ld
livia# history

I did not edit the Makedefs file and tryed to compile it both an 8cpu iris
and Freds 4d/20 and get the same result.  The version  of geomview 
i got in August worked fine.
and the version i pulled down geomview last night Sept 16, '92.

any ideas?

richard wong 
math dept
princeton univ

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