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[zhenyu at ams.sunysb.edu: Thanks, here is the file...]

  • To: software
  • Subject: [zhenyu at ams.sunysb.edu: Thanks, here is the file...]
  • From: mbp
  • Date: Wed, 8 Dec 93 16:09:32 -0600

Thanks a lot for your quick response, I tried to modify the file
mk.site.default, but it still didn't work. Here is the file that 
is botheing me:

# Local definitions.
# GEOMROOT is the absolute pathname of the directory where you've placed
# the Geomview source; a typical value might be /usr/local/src/Geomview.
# Its setting is built into the "geomview" shell script and (on the NeXT)
# into Geomview.app/CONFIG.gv.  It's used for finding the the following items:
#   - the example data files, living at ${GEOMROOT}/data/{geom,groups,...}/*
#   - the main geomview startup script, ${GEOMROOT}/data/.geomview
#   - the directory of external modules, ${GEOMVIEW}/modules/${MACHTYPE}/*
# You *must* edit this file to set the value of GEOMROOT before  
# running 'make install'.

GEOMROOT= ~zhenyu/Geomview 

# NOTE: The variable MACHTYPE has already been set by the time this file
# is read; it's the type of computer we're on ("sgi" or "next").
# You can use it in defining things here, but don't redefine it.

# BINDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which executable
# programs are to be installed.  This should be a directory that is on
# users' $path, like /usr/local/bin.

BINDIR = ~zhenyu/Geomview/bin 

# MMAPACKAGEDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which the
# Mathematica packages (OOGL.m, etc.) are to be installed.  This should be some
# directory that is on Mathematica's search path ($Path variable).
# The "math" shell script defines the directories in $Path; on the NeXT,
# they include /LocalApps/Mathematica.app/Library/Mathematica/Packages,
# and on the Iris, <math-installation-dir>/Packages.
# $Path also includes the user's home directory; if only one person will
# use the mathematica-geomview connection, you could set MMAPACKAGEDIR
# to that user's home directory.
# If you don't have Mathematica, leave MMAPACKAGEDIR set to ${GEOM}/mathematica.

MMAPACKAGEDIR = ${GEOM}/mathematica

# MANDIR should be the pathname of the directory into which Unix-style
# manual pages are to be installed.  The man pages will actually go into
# subdirectories of this directory with names like "man1", "cat1", etc.

MANDIR = /usr/local/man

# BINDIR, MMAPACKAGEDIR, and MANDIR are used by "make install" and not
# by "make all" or "make".  In all cases, the directory (and all
# necessary parent directories) is created if it does not yet exist.
# These must have values in order for "make install" to work.  If you
# want the keep the installation completely within the source tree,
# use the following values:
#    MMAPACKAGEDIR = ${GEOMROOT}/mathematica
#    MANDIR = ${GEOMROOT}/man
# You should then arrange for ${GEOMROOT}/bin/${MACHTYPE} to be on
# users' $path and for ${GEOMROOT}/mathematica to be on the Mathematica
# search path ($Path variable).

# You can skip the rest of this file if you are not installing
# on a NeXT.

# For NeXT installations, APPDIR should be the pathname of the
# directory into which the Geomview.app application will be installed.
# "make install" will install it there.  This is also used by other
# scripts, in particular, the "geomview" script that is installed in
# BINDIR, so if you move Geomview.app you should update APPDIR here
# and re-install.

APPDIR = /LocalApps

Would you please tell me what's wrong with it? Thank you so much for
your help. 


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