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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index] Re: [Update REQ 6112]: Geomview solaris -mp?
To: software@geom.umn.edu Subject: Re: [Closed REQ 6112]: Geomview solaris -mp? Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.970218190541.11931C-100000 at petra.ee.surrey.ac.uk> On Tue, 18 Feb 1997 daemon at geom.umn.edu (Stuart Levy) wrote: > In SaVi's case, it appears that there's a substantially more efficient way to > represent (in geomview) the zillions of pointlike satellites. > Graphics speed increases by a factor of 2 on a Sparc-10 here when > I make a mocked-up streamlined version. I've mentioned this to Patrick; > maybe he can incorporate this optimization at some point. This I'd be very interested in, since console on a Sparc20 with standard video card is the best I can hope for in terms of CPU/graphics speed here. I'm looking at doing lots of scripting for moving camera viewpoints, since realtime mouse control of 1500+-satellite constellations is difficult. > So if Sun does come out with an OpenGL library for the Sparc20, > and you have some hardware graphics accelerator on it, then > compiling it there might help. Yup, OpenGL would be a good excuse to get a better-than-minimum graphics card in. > By the way, are you using the "geomview -opengl" version or the plain one? The plain one; Sun doesn't support OpenGL on the Sparc20 yet AFAIK. > geomview -opengl will do texture mapping, but it's about 2x slower than > the non-texture-mapping version. And I think SaVi now includes two earth > models: one texture-mapped one, and another that includes just > continent outlines which can use either version of geomview. I've got the continent outlines without OpenGL now that I have geomview 1.61, although I still need to tweak SaVi a little to balance the continent visibility against the footprint circumferences. Thanks, L. <URL:http://www.sat-net.com/L.Wood/><L.Wood at ieee.org>+44-1483-300800x3435
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